Fisch is undoubtedly one of the most talked about Roblox games right now. What makes this game massively popular among Roblox players is its frequent updates.
With every new update, the devs keep adding new fishing rods, fish, events, items, bestiaries, and more and the latest update was no different.
With the latest update, they added a new fishing rod called Relic Rod. Unlike other rods, the process of obtaining the Relic Rod is a bit difficult.
With that in mind, we wrote a guide explaining how and where to find the Relic Rod in Fisch. To learn the entire obtainment process, keep on reading.
Without any further ado, let’s get started:
Fisch Relic Rod Guide
To obtain the Relic Rod in Fisch, you need to go and find the Dr Finneus. Once found, interact with him by pressing E on your keyboard.
When you do so, he will ask you to find 10 Prehistoric Fish bones that are scattered throughout the depth of Fisch. For the unversed, three Prehistoric Fish bones can be found at Moosewood Island.

To find these 3 Fish bones or Fossils, you need to keep fishing on Moosewood Island until you get all of them. You can find the following fish in the Moosewood Island:
- Fossil Fan
- Claw Gill
- Barracuda’s Spine
To catch another three prehistoric fish bones in Fisch, you need to head to Roslit Bay. After getting there, you need to keep fishing until you get the following fish:
- Spine Balde
- Spine Bone
- Shark Fang
To catch two more prehistoric fish bones in Fisch, head to Forsaken Shores. You need to keep fishing there until you catch the following fish:
- Ancient Serpent Spine
- Ancient Serpent Skull
To catch the next Prehistoric Fishbone in Fisch, you need to head to the Snow Cap. After getting there, you need to keep fishing until you get the following fossil:
- Spined Fin
For the last Prehistoric fish bone, you need to go to the Mushgroove Island. After getting there, you need to keep fishing until you get the following Fish:
- Nessie’s Spine
Once you have successfully caught all 10 Prehistoric Fish bones, head back to the Dr Finneus and talk to him. When you do so, he will give you a Map with an Ancient Code.

Image Credit: RFG YouTube Channel
Now, match the coordinates shown on the Map and reach the location. After getting there, you need to put the codes into the correct order on the Archeological Site.

When you do so, you will a door opened. Once the door is unlocked, go inside. When you do so, you will see a Relic Rod that can be purchased for 8,000 C$.
That’s everything you need to know to get the Relic rod in Fisch.